Jesus told us that if he went away he would come again; (John 14:3)
he also told us when! (Mat. 24)


Most Bible-believing Christians feel we are living in the very time the Bible says Christ is to return. There is a revival of interest in prophecy with great expectancy of the second coming of Christ. This is based on many prophetic signs: Israel restored (Matt. 24:32; Jer. 16:13-18); knowledge and travel increased (Dan. 12:40); evils exposed as never before (Luke 12:2; 1 Cor. 4:5); infidelity rampant from university to pulpit (Luke 18:8; 2 Tim. 4:1-4); men seeking pleasure, morality rotting (2 Tim. 3:1-5, 13); strikes, walkouts (James 5:1-4); racial strife, riots (Zeph. 1:7-9)' juvenile delinquency (2 Tim. 3:2); wars and war preparations intensified (Joel 3:9-11); men crying fearfully for peace (1 Thess. 5:3, Luke 21:26); trouble everywhere (Matt. 24:21,22). What do these signs really mean? His disciples wanted to know 2,000 years ago “what shall be the sign of thy presence [Greek, parousia], and of the end of the world [age]?" (Mat. 24:3) just as we do today.

Many believe we are at the very time when Jesus will reveal himself to the whole world. But what say the Scriptures on this very important subject. What is the manner of Jesus’ second coming? When Jesus was asked in Matthew 24:3 “what would be the signs of His Presence” Jesus did not say it would be obvious to all but rather gave a lengthy description of the world’s condition and attitude fully unaware that He had returned.

The Booklet “I WILL COME AGAIN” examines the Bible teaching regarding Christ’s presence in the earth. The answer might surprise you. Request your free download now and learn the wonderful truth of our dear Lord’s second advent.

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