am a young married man and my wife and I desire to be good Christian
people. We think we ought to go to church and worship God, but
as there are ten different churches in our neighborhood, I am
at a loss to know which to make our church home. I have attended
each one several times, and none of them seems to satisfy our
minds and hearts. In one church it is all formality and dress;
in another it is a continual plea for money; in another the
Bible is seldom referred to, but it is all Higher Criticism
and Evolution. I am almost disgusted and would like to know
if my wife and I cannot remain at home and read our Bible and
be good Christians without supporting with our time and money
what appears to me as being "clubs" instead of churches.
<ANSWER>--It is true that we can worship the Lord at home,
and unless we do worship the Lord at home, our church worship
would be of little benefit. Worship is not a mere form but devotion
of the heart. However, we are admonished of the Lord to "forsake
not the assembling of ourselves together" (`Heb. 10:25`),
and we should look carefully for a gathering of the Lord's people,
however small in number. True Christians may be readily recognized
by the test which the Master Himself instituted, "by their
fruits ye shall know them."
the parable of the vine and the branches given by the Lord Jesus
(`John 15:1-8`), are we to understand that the branches would
represent the different churches and denominations? (S. S. Scholar.)
<ANSWER>--A critical examination of the parable should
thoroughly convince any Bible student that the "branches"
could in no way represent the five-or six-hundred different
religious denominations of Christendom. At the time the parable
was given, there were no denominations, and none were organized
until several centuries afterward. The Lord never authorized
the formation of these denominational systems, and furthermore,
He has never recognized them as His representatives. If anything,
they are of the "vine of the earth" (`Rev. 14:18`)
for they are of an earthly or human origin. It is very evident
that this fact is coming more and more to be recognized even
by the representatives of the various religious bodies as, in
general, they are advocating a federation of all the churches,
and the eradication of denominational lines. See what the Apostle
has to say about denominationalism, `1 Cor. 3:3,4`. The Master
was addressing His disciples and telling them that they were
the branches. His language is, "I am the true vine, ye
are the branches." It becomes more apparent that He was
referring to the individual when in the fifth verse, He says,
"If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch."
This same intimate relationship existing between the Lord and
His faithful followers is pictured by the Apostle when he uses
the illustration of the natural body to show how the brethren
in Christ are members in particular of the body of Christ, `1
Cor. 12:14-27`.