we any reason for anticipating the World's conversion to Christianity
before long?
<ANSWER>--We have every reason to expect the world's conversion
to Christ not many years hence, but perhaps this work will be
brought about in an entirely different way and manner than is
usually supposed. The Scriptures clearly foretold that the world
would be far from being in harmony with the Lord and His righteous
laws at the close of this present age or evil world. (`Rev.
11:17,18`; `2 Tim. 1:5`; `Mat. 24:37-39`.) And that it would
not be until after our Lord's second advent that all the nations
would be brought to a knowledge of the truth, the way of salvation,
and then converted to Christ and His rule of love and kindness.
Meantime an election is taking place which when completed will
result in the formation of a special class of the Lord's earnest
devoted followers who when glorified and united with their Lord
in the spiritual or heavenly realms will constitute the governing
body, the Kings and Priests, under whose righteous administration,
the nations shall all be taught of God and learn righteousness.
(`Isa. 26:9`; `Isa 54:13`.) It will require all of the thousand
years of Messiah's reign to subdue all unrighteousness and bring
into subjection all evil and error. "For He must reign
until He has placed all enemies under His feet even death the
last enemy shall be destroyed." `1 Cor. 15:25,26`.
will the world come to an end? (P.W.L.)
<ANSWER>--According to the Scriptures the term "world"
signifies age or dispensation. Three great worlds are outlined
in the Divine Plan of the Ages, as revealed in the Bible. (See
`2 Pet. 3:5-13`.) The first "world" or dispensation
passed away at the time of the Flood. The second "world,"
or "present evil world," is likewise to pass away,
in a fiery time of trouble--not a literal "fire,"
but a destructive season of lawlessness that will destroy the
"elements"--labor, capitalistic, etc., etc., that
go to make up the present social order. "The world to come
wherein dwelleth righteousness" will never come to end,
but is to continue throughout eternity. The world that now is"
(`Titus 2:12`) is already being violently shaken, and is beginning
to crumble away financially, politically, socially, and ecclesiastically.
The evidences about us, in the fulfillment of the Scripture
prophecies, are clear and strong that within the next decade,
the new and better order ("the world to come") will
be established in the earth.
the world growing worse? If not, what does the Apostle Paul
mean by the words, "Evil men and seducers shall wax worse
and worse, deceiving and being deceived"? (`2 Tim. 3:13`.)
<ANSWER>--In some respects the world was never better
than it is today. We know of no time in history when the public
press so fearlessly and boldly exposed wrong doing as now. Education
has helped to bring about better moral conditions. Of course
a great deal of this morality is on the surface, as it was in
the closing days of the Jewish Age, when Jesus told the chief
religionists that they were whited walls, outwardly beautiful,
but inwardly corrupt. The Apostle, in the Scripture to which
you refer, evidently had in mind the deceivers and leaders astray
in the Church. These, in the end of the Age, will become more
bold; as foretold, their deceptions will become strong delusions,
following which many will believe a lie (`2 Thes 2:11`). "They
shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits,
and doctrines of devils" (`1 Tim. 4:1`). Many theological
teachers today are denying the Bible and advancing strong arguments
in favor of Higher Criticism, Evolution, etc., thus growing
worse and worse in repudiating the "faith once delivered
to the saints" (`Jude 3,4`), "deceiving and being
themselves deceived."
ye not that the saints shall judge the world?"--`1 Cor.
6:2`. Does this signify that the world is not now on trial for
eternal life? (C.J.W.)
<ANSWER>--This Scripture is in conformity with the united
testimony of the teachings of all the Prophets and the Apostles
to the effect that the world's judgment day, or trial time,
is not in this present Christian Era, but is yet future--"God
hath appointed a day (a thousand year day--`2 Pet. 3:8`) in
the which He will judge the world in righteousness." (`Acts
17:31`.) Those who, in association with Christ, shall judge
the world in mercy, justice and love, are now being qualified
for that high office, by having developed in them saintly, Christlike
characters. These "saints," who have learned to love
their neighbors as themselves, and who even love their enemies,
are the ones who, in the future age, will offer every inducement
to the world of mankind to come into harmony with the gracious
requirements of the Divine Law of love and justice and receive
eternal life. The fact that the followers of Christ are not
judging now proves conclusively that the world is not on trial
for eternal life at the present time. The judgment day, in place
of being a time of terror, distress and sorrow, is represented
in the Scriptures as being a special time of joy and gladness
for the world.--`Psa. 96.`