PERHAPS all the armies participating in the present war men
have been shot or imprisoned as a penalty for refusing on
conscientious grounds to take up arms as soldiers. We are
not, therefore, to think of the British course at the present
time on this subject as extreme. The fact is that, so far
as we are aware, the United States and Great Britain are the
only countries which have proposed by their law to recognize
conscientious scruples on the part of their citizens as a
reasonable basis for being excused from military duty.
course, no country forces aliens into the army; and were it
recognized that true Christians are aliens as respects earthly
governments, the whole question might solve itself. The Bible
Students' claim is that the followers of Jesus have their
citizenship in Heaven, and that by giving their obedience
to the Heavenly Lord they renounce in a degree their allegiance
to earthly kings--governments. It is for this reason that
we have long advocated that the fully consecrated abstain
from voting on political issues. If they so vote, they are
identifying themselves with the earthly kingdoms, and might
properly enough be called upon to shoot as they vote--to support
the government which they helped to create.
the other hand, the Scriptural proposition is that while our
citizenship is in Heaven and we are aliens, strangers and
foreigners in the world, with allegiance to the Heavenly King,
nevertheless, like all other foreigners, we are to be subject
to the powers that be--subject to the laws of the country
in which we may be living. But if obedience to the laws does
not imply military service on the part of the foreigner, so
obedience to the laws on the part of Bible Students does not
imply military duty. Similarly with the oath of allegiance
required by those who enter the army--they are required to
swear allegiance to the king and obedience to the officers
of the king in all things. This oath is not required of aliens,
foreigners, and is objected to by Bible Students, not because
they are opposed to law and order or unwilling to be regulated
by the government under which they live, but because they
have already given allegiance to the higher power--the Heavenly
Lord. To them His words, His commands, etc., are paramount.
course, such aliens could not object to deportation, nor make
any stand for personal rights which any other alien of any
other government might not request.
papers inform us that the matter of conscientious objectors
to military service is deeply stirring the British people
and has led to several wordy battles in Parliament. The claim
made is that the laws of Great Britain provide for the consciences
of all British subjects and that while these laws seem to
be complied with, by the appointment of commissioners to hear
the conscientious objections, nevertheless the laws are really
disregarded, because the judges appointed are military judges,
whose interests are not judicial but military. Some of those
who refused on conscientious grounds were sentenced to prison
for two years at hard labor. Others were forced to put on
military uniform, and were kicked and bruised by companions
in the ranks, either because of their conscientious loyalty
to the Word of the great King or because they refused to swear
allegiance to the British king and obedience to his officers.
Others were sent to the army in France, the threat being made
that if they did not do their duty they would be shot forthwith.
this is arousing British sentiment on this subject-- for and
against warfare. No doubt the courage, the witness, the martyr
spirit on the part of the Lord's consecrated people will exercise
a great influence and will lead to a more careful study of
the commands of our King and the rules governing all who are
under His banner. Whatever hardships may come to these dear
brethren, we believe that a blessing will result in showing
forth the praises of Him who has called us out of darkness
into His marvelous light.
the meantime, it is not for us to exert force in opposition,
nor to shout loudly about our rights. We are to remember that,
in becoming soldiers of the Cross, we voluntarily gave up
all earthly rights in order that we might be participators
with the Captain of our salvation, who permitted all of His
rights to be taken from Him, even unto death. As the followers
of Jesus are made a spectacle to the world and to angels,
they are also permitted to strengthen and build up one another
in the most holy faith by their love and zeal for the Lord
and His Message. We may well remember our privilege of praying
one for another under such circumstances. We may not pray
for the Lord to hinder others or ourselves from having trials
or tests along these lines, for it is for the Divine Wisdom
to determine what these shall be, but it is our privilege
to pray for each other and for ourselves-- to pray for that
grace to help in every time of need which the Lord has promised
He will grant.--`Hebrews 4:16`.
a very faithful witness, then, be given with great humility
and with great sympathy to those who take a different view
from ourselves! They hold that Christ's Kingdom has been set
up; and that the present kings of Europe are of Divine appointment,
as they claim upon their coins, and that for them to be at
war is for God's Kingdom to be at war; and that their soldiers
are God's soldiers. Inconsistently they fail to see that if
their contentions be true, God's Kingdom is divided and God
is fighting against Himself! A little while, and the dawning
of the New Dispensation will be clearer. Then all nations
will come to see that the need of mankind is the Rule of the
Heavenly Lord with all power. By that time the Bride of Christ
will have passed beyond the veil. Crowns of glory and palms
of victory will have been bestowed, and the time for blessing
the world of mankind will have come.