The doctrine of the Atonement by the blood of Christ is the foundation of the Christian religion. Clearly then, a thorough and harmonious understanding of this subject is essential for all Christians. The Atonement, however, although confessed by all, is understood in its entirety by relatively few. The various ideas and theories concerning it are disconnected and vague. So also, then, must be the resulting faith built upon these vague concepts.

The Atonement Between God and Man provides a detailed study of:

* the Atonement accomplished by Jesus Christ

* why Jesus' sacrifice was necessary

* Jesus' role as the Mediator of the New Covenant

* the baptism, seal and witness of the Holy Spirit

* the meaning of the word "soul"

* how the curse of sin and death will be lifted in Christ's Kingdom

* the basis for belief that Jesus Christ is "the ransom for all" (2 Timothy 2:5,6)

Few books in modern times have achieved as much depth in the understanding of God's atoning work accomplished through Jesus Christ. As revealed in the Old Testament record, the author traces the Day of Atonement types and shadows as they point forward to Christ -- and beyond, to the future work of Christ to be accomplished in His Millennial Kingdom.

Table of Contents