Why do we accept the Bible as God's Word?

While the Bible is generally accepted by Christian people as having divine authority, comparatively few are able to clearly explain just why they hold this opinion. How has it been preserved free from corruption? Why, in its present condition, is it worthy of our full confidence? Let us consider what evidence we have for the credibility of these writings.

What is Bible Truth?

Beliefs are molded by 
history • tradition • culture
and various religious teachers as they interpret holy scriptures. What we accept as truth must be open to reason (James 3:17, Isaiah 1:18).  Find out how much you really know about your Bible. 

Is there only one God?

There is only one Almighty God and He has revealed Himself as a single entity. But the Bible also teaches us that there are many other gods. None that are equal to the Almighty God.

Do we really live after we die?

Many teach that a person becomes more alive at the moment of death.  But the Bible teaches that all the dead will rise again in due time.

Are we only allowed to worship God?

The Bible teaches that Jehovah alone must be worshiped as Almighty God. We need to understand the definition for the word 'worship' and how it applies to Jehovah God and the rest of his creation.

Is today the only day of salvation?

The Bible says that there is a special salvation to those disciples of Jesus who enter the Narrow Way that leads to life where few find it, but it also talks of a highway where many will travel on it

Will we go to heaven after we die?

During the gospel age, God is calling out individuals to become part of his church to rule and reign with Christ in heaven. Those who do not respond to God's calling during this Gospel age will not go to heaven, but does that mean that they will go to a fiery hell?

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What is this World Coming To?

The world seems to be spinning out of control: mass shootings; pervasive COVID-19 variants; the 2021 storming of the Nation’s Capitol; political wrangling; continuing racial injustice; global warming causing natural disasters worldwide; and the list continues...Lacking an explanation and solution to man’s dilemma, the materialist taunts the Christian camp to come up with answers. Unfortunately, most Christians are unable to meet the challenge. However, there have been notable exceptions.

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A Ransom for All

The sacrifice of Jesus is fundamental to the Christian faith, yet most Christians cannot reasonably explain why God required the death of his only son before he could begin to forgive a single person (Heb 9:22). What does Jesus sacrifice accomplish and how does it redeem us? Why did God require his sacrifice in the first place? Will only Christian's benefit from Jesus' sacrifice?

Click button below  to start a 10 minute video slide presentation  A RANSOM FOR ALL

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The Divine Plan of the Ages

The Bible reveals that God's ultimate purpose for the world of mankind is to fulfill His promise to faithful Abraham, "In thee and in thy seed shall I bless all the families of the earth." But even to honest hearted Christians, that promise still seems far from its fulfillment and many questions persist. For instance, what does God intend to do to relieve the conditions of sin and death in the world?  Is there a key which opens the door of understanding to the Bible for us?

The Photodrama of Creation

Join us on our journey through creation as we explore God's vast universe and his divine plan of salvation for man."The reverence of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom." Only the foolish say in their heart, "There is no God." "Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge." "The heavens declare the glory of God."--Psalms 111:10; 14:1; 19:1,2  An appreciation of the infinite power of the Creator and of our own littleness should make us teachable. The study of creation is the "key of knowledge." Using this key we begin to realize that the only worthy ambition is to co-operate with our Creator's beneficent designs respecting His creation.

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.  Psalms 119:105