A chief argument against God's existence is the presence of evil. If we phrase this argument as a question it might be something like this: How can a wholly good, all loving, omnipotent and omniscient God permit evil to exist? We begin to answer this question by reason alone.
Webster defines evil as that which produces unhappiness; anything
which either directly or remotely causes suffering of any kind.
We witness unhappiness and suffering all around us. Humans are
a direct cause of evil; however, there are also “natural”
causes. People die in natural disasters or “chance”
events. This too is evil for it causes real suffering. Our problem
lies in the question - Why? Why does evil happen? Why would
an all loving, wholly good God permit evil? If we want to personalize
it, we could ask, "How can it be that God loves us and
yet all these bad things happen to us? Can the existence of
evil be compatible with the existence of a good God? "
Our initial attributes of God (wholly good, all loving, omnipotent
and omniscient) leads us to conclude that what we see in our
world today is the best course of action for God to take with
the human family. To think differently would diminish his attributes
of omniscience, all loving and “wholly good”. Some
suggest that these qualities are not diminished, instead God
would never allow evil to exist, but evil exists because God
is not able to fully control it. This thought requires us to
diminish God's attribute of omnipotence. Holding firm to the
attribute of God's omnipotence, we must draw the conclusion
that it is not an inability of God to stop evil, but a deliberate
action on God’s part to permit evil. So far, we have not
altered any of our original attributes about God. We now have
to answer the question, why does God consider experience with
evil the best course for the human race?
There are two possible answers. The permission of evil leads
to a greater good or prevents a greater evil. Most often, a
case-by-case attempt to reason any act of evil as resulting
in a greater good or lesser evil is difficult if not impossible.
We may offer different explanations, in the end, it is purely
conjecture and speculation on our part. A primary objection
to these two answers is that evil results in pain and suffering
which leads us to ask if this really is the best plan that God
could arrange? Couldn’t God have accomplished the same
result without the pain and suffering? As we mentioned earlier,
if we think he could then we are simply diminishing God's quality
of omniscience in favor of our thoughts. The difficulty of offering
a fully satisfying answer arises from our limited knowledge
of God's deliberate action for permitting evil. We are not omniscient
and therefore we reason from a very limited point of view. Does
this make either of these two answers invalid? No! Neither one
of these answers diminish our original attributes of God. Though,
far from satisfactory to the inquiring mind, either one or both
together can reason the existence of evil being compatible with
the existence of a wholly good God.
Let's us now consider the following example. Ask yourself, would
a loving parent ever permit evil (anything that causes pain
or suffering) to his or her own child and at the same time consider
it the best course of action for a greater good, or for the
prevention of a greater evil?
What child has not touched a hot stove in their lifetime, even
though they were warned over and over that it would hurt? Yet
most children continue to touch the stove. Why didn’t
the child blindly obey the parent in the first place so that
this pain could be avoided all together? Why do some parents
purposely but momentarily place a child’s hand on a hot
stove? The child may not understand why their parent allowed
this to happen; however, the child's lack of understanding cannot
be used to justify a bad action by the parent. In this simple
example, we can see the greater good, and the prevention of
the greater evil, even though the child for a moment cannot
explain it. Most importantly, the pain and suffering from the
experience was temporary. In most cases, the lesson learned
is lasting and is more effective than simple instruction. Could
this be the same way God deals with us?
There are those that suggest that God does not exist in an effort
to explain the existence of evil. These have a serious problem
on their hands. Initially, this argument is appealing for there
is no contradiction to the existence of evil when a good God
does not exist. However, if we get beneath the surface of this
argument just a little we must now conclude that on the whole,
our experiences with evil are random, meaningless and pointless.
This thought does nothing to explain the "Why" question;
Why evil exists in the first place? It is also important to
note, that the suggestion that God does not exist essentially
accepts that the random experience with evil has no end.
So, by reason alone, we conclude that the existence of a wholly
good, all loving, omniscient, and omnipotent God is compatible
with the existence of evil in our present world. In fact, we
go a step further and say that it is a deliberate action on
God’s part to permit evil, considering it the best course
of action for either a greater good or to prevent a greater
evil or both. This seems to be the most satisfactory answer
to questions of “Why does evil exist? and Why does God
permit evil? However, this is as far as reason alone can take
us; which is not very satisfying. The good news is that our
loving God did not leave us to reason alone, he provided us
the Bible which is a detailed explanation (or revealing) of
His plan for the human family and how the permission of evil
will result in the greatest blessing for all of His creation.