The Boston (Mass.) press recently devoted columns of conservative space to describing the antics performed by the furniture in the parish home of a Catholic priest residing in one of the suburban districts of that center of the intellectual universe. Tables and chairs waltzed about the room, and a brass costumer threw itself downstairs, while an alarm clock behaved in a most alarming manner, hurling itself across the room and then repeating the stunt after being restored to its original position. The several inmates of the house were duly impressed by these extraordinary proceedings, but were unable to account for them. Perhaps you can explain the mystery. What? (Psyche)

<ANSWER>--Reports of similar proceedings, in all parts of the globe, indicate that the powers of darkness are becoming very active. These peculiar manifestations can be attributed to nothing else than to the operation of the demons that infest earth's atmosphere. Let no one for a moment suppose that these phenomena are produced by those who have died, and that these are indications of an effort on their part to communicate with their friends and relatives in the flesh. Our friends are asleep in the tomb, wholly unconscious (`Ecc. 9:10`) and therefore, could not be spending their time in throwing furniture around, thumping on banjos, twanging guitars, and rapping on tables. If our friends had nothing better to do on the other side, than to engage in such silly antics, as these spiritual phenomena usually are, we would do well to treat them with cold contempt. The tendency of spiritualism is invariably downward; no one has ever been influenced to the higher and nobler things through the power of the demons.