Christ's statement as to the "Rich Man" and "Lazarus"
teach that the wicked go to eternal torment at death? (V.P.)
<ANSWER>--There is not a single word in this much discussed
parable about the Rich Man being a wicked man or the Poor Man
being a good man. Therefore, in answer to the question, it could
be positively stated that there is nothing said about the wicked
going to eternal torment at death. To interpret the story literally
just as it reads, as so many are prone to do who believe in
the theory of eternal torment for nearly every one but themselves,
involves one in a number of absurdities. It would signify that
all who are clad in purple and fine linen and who fare sumptuously
every day, are at death to be placed in a furnace of fire and
tormented. It would also mean that unless we were poverty stricken
beggars, the companion of dogs, full of sores, and fed on crumbs
at some rich man's back gate, we would never be able to wing
our flight to Abraham's bosom when we departed this life. Poor
Abraham would experience considerable difficulty in clasping
all of the poor to his expansive bosom! The parable, rightly
understood, does not in the remotest degree teach the monstrous
doctrine of eternal torment.
Conceding that "Dives and Lazarus" is a parable, representing
the Jews' and the Gentiles' positions of favor and disfavor
during this Christian Age, the question arises concerning the
figure itself: (a) Is it not a well- known fact that or Lord
used everyday occurrences and things to make up the various
figures and "dark sayings" (sheep, goats, seed, sower,
harvest, reaper, stewards, etc.)? (b) Then why did Lazarus die
to be carried to Abraham's bosom? Why must the "Rich Man"
be alive in torment when he is DEAD? If "hell" is
a place of "forgetfulness," why did the "Rich
Man" remember his "five brothers?" Lastly, if
the Lord knew of such a place, why did He picture Dives in the
hell of Dante's Inferno--even for the sake of a figure? (T.E.)
<ANSWER>--The Scriptures were written and arranged in
such a way by the Lord, through the inspired writers that they
could not be understood excepting by those who would come into
harmony with Him by faith and obedience. The Lord is pleased
to enlighten His children by the operation of the holy spirit
through His Divine purposes. It is related of our Lord Jesus,
that in all of His teachings He addressed the multitudes in
parables and dark sayings and then afterwards explained them
to His disciples. (`Mark 4:11,33,34`) The parable of "The
Rich Man and the Poor Man" is a remarkable prophecy of
conditions relating to the Jews and the Gentiles and, we believe,
could have been stated in no other way without disclosing the
realities which was evidently intended by the Lord should remain
disguised or concealed from the world in general and whose real
significance would be known only by His devoted followers. The
entire book of Revelation is composed of prophecies thus concealed
in signs, symbols and figures.
explain `Rev. 20:10`, particularly the last clause of the verse
which reads: "and shall be tormented day and night for
ever and ever." (E.W.D.)
<ANSWER>--All Bible students recognize that the expressions
of this chapter and verse are highly figurative. Where it is
stated that a "beast and false prophet" are to be
cast into the "lake of fire and brimstone," no reasoning
mind would say that literal beast, or a literal false prophet
were meant; but that these were symbols, and represent false
and beastly systems. And if not an actual beast is meant, so
also with the "lake of fire and brimstone." This lake
would fittingly symbolize absolute destruction, for whatever
is cast into fire and brimstone, the two most destructive agencies
known to mankind, is immediately destroyed and not preserved
in any sense. As stated in the 14th verse, it is the "second
death"--annihilation. To our understanding, the "devil"
here mentioned is not Satan himself, but is an evil system--a
devilish power. These evil systems--false civil and ecclesiastical
powers--in the end of the Age are to be "tormented day
and night," as long as they last, with financial, social,
and religious difficulties and pains. "Forever and ever"
is from the Greek aionion which signifies lasting. The "torment"
will last until these Satanic systems are consumed.
Please explain "And the devil
that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone,
where the beast and false prophet are, and shall be tormented
day and night forever." "And the smoke of their torment
ascended up forever and ever, and they have no rest day and
night which worship the beast and his image."
<ANSWER.>--These passages are taken from Revelation, and
the book of Revelation is a symbolical book; that is exactly
what it purports to be. We read that Jesus sent his angel and
signified or made signs of certain things, and those signs,
or symbols, have been with us and have been examined for 2000
years. Now we will not undertake at this time to investigate
the entire book of Revelation, but content ourselves briefly
by saying, first, that all teachers will admit that no doctrine
should be based wholly on a text of Scripture found in Revelation,
if it does not have some foundation in other parts of the Word
of God; no one may build a doctrine merely upon a passage of
Scripture which has only Revelation for its basis, because that
being a symbolical book, nearly all the statements in it are
symbolical. Now in this case you will notice the reference to
the beast and false prophet--one beast and one false prophet.
Who is that beast? Have you seen that beast? Do you know anything
about that beast? Do you know anything about that false prophet?
Now, you see, unless I would take time to go into the matter
and discuss what the beast symbolizes, and what the false prophet
symbolizes, it would not be proper to discuss what is meant
by this, and what happened to them. The beast is a symbol of
a great system, but time will not permit us to go into a discussion
of the subject. I believe it represents a great system of religion
that is now in the world. And the false prophet I understand
represents another system of religion--not a man, not men, but
a system; and that system. is to be destroyed; and that system
is to have torment, and it is to collapse--not the people.