of Evil
Behind Acts of Terror
“We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places.” —
Ephesians 6:12
past century was one of unprecedented evil: 20 million killed
in Stalin’s purges, Hitler’s extermination of six
million Jews, 1.7 million massacred in the killing fields by
Pol Pot, and the millions of lives lost trying to defend or
defeat these ruthless leaders. And the carnage escalated quickly
into the 21st century as mankind witnessed the fiery deaths
of over 4,000 from suicide missions perpetrated against the
United States on 9/11 by Al-Qaeda extremists. But an even more
sinister and illusive foe has been terrorizing the world with
random, demonic acts of evil. ISIS has become more organized,
more powerful and more evil than all other religious extremist
Are the hideous acts of terror in Paris, San Bernardino and
around the world by radical Islamic militants simply the function
of an evil twist of character fueled by false religion, or are
they provoked still further by a malicious, invisible force?
Will the one true God bring an end to all this evil and terror?
Not a Principle of Evil but an Intelligent Being
The Word of God leaves no doubt as to the existence of a personal
devil and his legions of demons. It gives a comprehensive description
of Satan, his emissaries and his aims. Satan is represented
in Scripture as being the orchestrator and source of evil in
the universe — the unrelenting enemy of God and man.
The Apostle Paul recognized the existence of a personal, invisible
devil and gave him the title “god of this world.”
(2 Corinthians 4:4) Paul also called Satan “the prince
of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the
children of disobedience.” (Ephesians 2:2) These words
imply not only that there are evil principles at work, but that
behind them there are invisible evil spirit beings opposing
all that is good. “We wrestle not against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers
of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness
in high places.” Ephesians 6:12
Associates in Evil — Legions of Demons
“And the angels which kept not their first estate, but
left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains
under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.” (Jude
1:6) This points out that Satan, known as “the prince
of the devils,” had gained legions of angels who have
actively supported his evil schemes. Because Satan’s spiritual
minions meddled in the affairs of mankind, they were cast out
of heaven and placed in “chains of darkness” —
relegated to the earth’s atmosphere — unable to
re-enter into the heavenly, holy realm. Satan, has also been
isolated from God and the holy angels. Together, Satan and the
fallen angels have been cooperating as mischief workers amongst
men, and they have never let up their unrelenting desire to
create a society under their control. Matthew 9:34; Isaiah 14:12-15
What we see happening today is a result of continued malicious
meddling by Satan and the demons as they prey upon the weakest
of humanity. While fallen man is much to blame for these acts
of violence, “wicked spirits” often enter sick or
deluded minds, suggesting hideous acts of violence. The Scriptures
describe in detail such incidents and the misery caused by evil
spirit influence and possession. Matthew 8:16; Mark 5:15; Luke
4:41; Luke 22:3
Those who are inclined toward evil leave themselves open to
suggestions from these wicked spirits. Muslim extremists wreaking
worldwide panic through acts of terror have been brain-washed
by doctrines of demons — believing that they have a God-directed
mission to execute their victims. (1 Timothy 4:1) But, unlike
the god of Muslim extremists, the Judeo-Christian God, Jehovah,
is a God of love, and He has told His children that there are
seven things which are an abomination to Him — among these
are hands that shed innocent blood, hearts that devise wicked
plans, feet that run swiftly to evil and those who spread strife.
(Proverbs 6:16-19) These activities describe well the acts of
hateful extremists — no matter their religion.
While there are relatively few radicalized Muslims waging a
war of terror, it is important to understand that the majority
of Muslims are peace-loving. Christians must not succumb to
the hysteria that creates fear of the entire Muslim community
— most of whom are peaceable and reasonable. Remember
Jesus’ admonition: “Love thy neighbor as thyself.”
Matthew 22:39
Headlines Written Nearly 2,000 Years Ago
In His foreknowledge, God could look down to our time and see
the hate and greed in the human heart that would escalate into
the devastating worldwide violence of our day. In His wisdom,
God has permitted this extreme level of evil under Satan’s
temporary reign that it might teach an everlasting lesson to
all mankind. This limited experience living in a world with
evil is teaching mankind to hate iniquity and to long for a
better day under a righteous ruler — Messiah.
Therefore, to provide hope to His people, God placed in His
Word prophetic indicators which would point to the time when
Satan’s kingdom of evil would begin to collapse. Four
signs were given to the prophet Daniel which would mark the
time of the end — the end of this present evil world under
the dominion of Satan. Daniel 12:1, 4; Galatians 1:4
• “many shall run to and fro”
In the past 100 years, numerous modes of transportation have
been invented, increasing the speed of travel from 20 mph to
over 18,000 mph. This has been a blessing to most of humanity,
but it has also brought with it a means for terrorists to spread
their evil rapidly far and wide.
• “knowledge shall be increased”
More than ninety percent of all scientists who have ever lived
are alive today, and more than fifty percent of the world’s
inventions have been created within the last three decades.
Additionally, sophistication in communications allows man to
see and hear global news instantly. This has created amazing
tools to benefit mankind, but it has also provided terrorists
the tools to spread their hate.
• Messiah will begin to “stand up” for Daniel’s
Israel’s rebirth as a nation is a miracle of history.
Never before has a nation been destroyed, its people dispersed
to the ends of the earth and then—nearly 2,000 years later—regathered
and reestablished as a nation. But, one of radical Islam’s
most hated enemies is Israel. This horrible reality of terror
has been playing out almost every day since Israel’s formation
as a nation in 1948. And now, the other countries of the world
are experiencing firsthand the fear of living their daily lives
in expectation of yet another terrorist attack.
• “a time of trouble such as never was”
Unprecedented trouble is the hallmark of our time and is confirmed
by these recent tragic events. True, the world has always had
trouble, but, prior to 1940, the potential for the annihilation
of humanity by the single flick of a switch was unheard of.
In the first three quarters of the 20th Century at least 100
million lives had been lost to war (TIME Magazine, March 9,
1970). Thirty-four wars were being waged in 1988 alone. And
today, “the weak say I am strong.” (Joel 3:10) A
few, “the weak,” have brought the strong nations
of the world into a state of extreme distress. Weakness, fueled
by jealousy, hatred, misinformation and prejudice punctuates
Daniel’s vision of unprecedented trouble.
Faith in an Unstable World
All four of these signs given to Daniel should give God’s
people hope that the end of Satan’s evil regime is near.
Yet, it is still hard to maintain faith in this unstable and
frightening world. This makes it even more necessary that we,
as Christians, take up the whole armour of God that we might
be able to “withstand in the evil day… having your
loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of
righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the
gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith
ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit,
which is the Word of God…” Ephesians 6:10-17
Yes, in this unstable world it takes an extreme, educated faith
to believe that God’s plan will provide a constructive
end to all the tears caused by evil — to believe that
God is not indifferent to every sorrow. The Scriptures declare
that He desires mankind to live in a world without fear, but
He now allows Satan to rule for a limited time in order that
each individual may learn valuable lessons — experiencing
the results of evil and selfishness.
The world is quickly learning that it is helpless to win a war
against evil. Thus we read, “This sore travail has God
given to man to be exercised therewith.” (Ecclesiastes
1:13) It is comforting to know that when God finally says through
His Son, It is enough — peace be still, we can rest assured
that there will be great changes in the earth, and all will
begin to see that the permission of evil was both educational
and preparatory to the ushering of mankind into the ages of
blessing to come, wherein “all the families of the earth
will be blessed.” (Genesis 28:14) The promise is that
once God, through His Son, puts an utter end to all evil, “affliction
shall not rise up the second time.” (Nahum 1:9; Job 34:29)
In other words, the harsh lessons of evil will never be necessary
again when all the families of the earth learn, by contrast,
that love, peace, righteousness and unselfishness are far more
preferable than living in this present evil world. The depth
of God’s wisdom is shown in His foresight to devise a
plan that provides for man’s free choice and experience
with evil, but nevertheless brings redemption through Christ
which will result in eternal happiness.
Desire of All Nations Shall Come
Though God has permitted Satan’s evil influence for a
relatively short time, He will soon put a stop to all evil and
usher in His everlasting righteous Kingdom. Then the Scriptures
assure us that all of “the inhabitants of the earth will
learn righteousness” when the “knowledge of the
Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the deep.”
(Isaiah 26:9; 11:9) The time is coming when Satan and his demon
host will be destroyed — never to hurt nor deceive the
world again. (Revelation 20:1-3) The love of God will abundantly
bestow blessings of life, peace and happiness upon all.
Yes, the influence of God’s benevolent Kingdom will have
an overwhelming transforming effect on the hearts of men. Of
this mighty future work we read, “And I will give them
one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will
take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them
a heart of flesh: That they may walk in my statutes, and keep
mine ordinances, and do them: and they shall be my people, and
I will be their God.” Ezekiel 11:19-20
There is great cause to rejoice, for it is the severity and
hopelessness of the world’s problems that mark us at the
threshold of these promised Kingdom blessings. Just as the terror
of today was prophesied, the resurrection of all who have ever
lived is also assured in prophecy. Then, all those who perished
in the terrors of this day will be reunited with their loved
ones, and “The desire of all nations shall come.”
Haggai 2:7
are Some of These Legitimate Desires?
Ask the homeless family living in times of unemployment, “What
is your desire?” Their answer will be, “If only
we had a place to call home.” God promises: “They
shall build houses and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards
and eat their fruit. They shall not build and another inhabit.
They shall not plant and another eat.” Isaiah 65:21-23
Ask the father of a child dying of cancer,“What is your
desire?” His answer will be, “If only there were
no sickness and crippling diseases, no cancer, no blindness,
no pain and suffering.” Thank God! These desires will
be fulfilled in His Kingdom: “And no inhabitant will say
I am sick.” “Then the eyes of the blind shall be
opened, the ears of the deaf unstopped, then shall the lame
man leap like a deer, and the tongue of the dumb sing for joy.”
Isaiah 33:24; 35:5,6
And what will be the desire of the young man on the field of
battle, “If only there were no wars and man could learn
to live in peace.” The Kingdom promise is: “They
shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into
pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation
neither shall they learn war anymore.” Micah 4:3
Ask the Mother of the young man killed at the hand of a terrorist,
“What is your desire?” and she will say, “If
only I could hold him and see him happy again.” Yes, the
most blessed promise of all, lost loved ones will be united
once again in the resurrection. “I will ransom them from
the power of the grave...” (Hosea 13:14; Isaiah 25:8)
“And the ransomed of the Lord shall return with songs
and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy
and gladness and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.”
Isaiah 35:10
These are but a few of the legitimate desires, which shall be
satisfied. This is the promise of God’s Kingdom to come,
where His will shall be done on earth, as it is even now done
in heaven. Matthew 6:10
Close your eyes for a moment to the scenes of misery and woe,
degradation and sorrow that yet prevail on account of sin, and
picture before your mental vision the glory of the perfect earth.
Not a stain of sin will mar the harmony and peace of a perfect
society, not a bitter thought, not an unkind look or word. Love
welling up from every heart will meet a kindred response in
every other heart, and benevolence will mark every act. There
sickness shall be no more — not an ache nor a pain, nor
any evidence of decay — not even the fear of such things.
Such will earth’s society be, and weeping bereaved ones
will have their tears all wiped away, when thus they realize
the resurrection work complete. Revelation 21:4
Article republished by permission from the Associated Bible Students of Central Ohio. Click here to visit their website