Israeli-Arab Peace Process?
Speaking of our day, the prophet Jeremiah predicted they would
say-" "Peace, peace; when there is no peace."
Jeremiah 8:11
In 1993, Israel's Prime Minister Rabin and Arafat signed the Oslo Peace Accords. Seven years of Israeli Land give- away followed. What was Arafat's response?-continued calculated violence to extract greater Land concessions.
Camp David, Barak made concessions Rabin or Peres would never
condone. Arafat's reaction?-Palestinian rage that resulted in
over 100 dead and 1000s wounded. Forget the so-called Sharon/Temple
Mount incitement. Sharon had clearance from the Palestinian
security. But hours before, a PLO policeman-without provocation-
shot and killed an Israeli soldier during routine joint security
patrol. That's when the Palestinian rage began. Bloodshed on
either side is tragic.
Why is the UN Resolution condemning Israel? The nations are
dependent on Arab oil for survival. In our world, oil outranks
morality. Why are Israeli leaders, even Right Winger Netanyahu,
willing to give away their own Land? Arab oil. They fear Arab
oil dependent nations will slap an economic boycott on Israel.
The Israeli leaders have hoped that at some point world leaders
would finally realize Arafat's demands were irrational. For
the first time a leftist Israeli government feels Arafat cannot
be trusted.
to Oslo
We sorrow for the plight of the Palestinians. It is estimated
75% of the so-called Palestinians only emigrated from Arab territories
since 1900 to enjoy the better Jewish economy. The UN defines
a "Palestinian" as anyone who had lived in Palestine
for only two years. Why? Why pressure Israel when twenty-two
Arab nations, with an area 500 times the size of Israel, have
vast empty lands that beg for population? (This year's Arab
oil profits alone could pay for this re-settlement.)
Both the Judeo-Christian Bible and Islamic Koran affirm the Land belongs to Israel! There is a large map of the Middle East on Arafat's office wall. U.S. officials have seen it, but they never tell you about it. The name Israel has been replaced by the name Palestine. Seemingly, Arafat will not be satisfied until he not only has the West Bank and Gaza, but all of Israel proper. Many feel war is inevitable. See Isaiah 11:14.
But there is a higher dimension in this issue-Divine Providence.
The new Israeli State is a miracle of history prophesied in
the Bible. Its reclamation of wastelands (Amos 9:14), climatic
changes (Zech. 8:11,12; Joel 2:21-23) and capture of Old Jerusalem
(Zech. 12:5,6) were prophesied. Its boundaries, which include
the Golan Heights and the West Bank, were foretold (Gen. 15:18-21;
Jer. 16:14,15; Micah 7:14; Zech. 10:9,10). Eventually, the Arabs
will recognize Israel's rights. Then Israel and her Arab neighbors
will dwell in peace and economic harmony. Isaiah 19:14, 15.