On the subject of crucifixion, we first observe that the details of our Lord’s death are not given, and for this we can be glad. For the picture of crucifixion which suggests itself to the mind is horrible enough without any incidental details, and the fact that four writers recorded the main features of the execution, but gave none of the details of the crucifixion itself, is in full accord with the general treatment of such matters in the Bible, so different from what would ordinarily be the course of a narrator.

Yet, many have suggested that there was no death so cruel as that of crucifixion. Why? Because the crucified one died not from loss of blood nor in a short space of time, but through the lingering agony of open wounds, the arrested circulation at the extremities, the tension of the nervous system, and the oppression of heart and brain. And from the scriptures we learn that it was about six long hours that Jesus endured this pain of torn nerves, of intense thirst and of racked body and throbbing brain!

The important fact is not how Jesus died but that he died [as man’s ransom] and saved us from sin and death. (Hosea 13:14; 1 Timothy 2:3-6) What does the word "RANSOM" mean? How will this RANSOM bring an end to sorrow, pain, and even death itself?

God's justice does not mean "just-us." Yet, many teach that only Christians will ever be saved. If this is true, then 95% of the human race is doomed to everlasting death (or worse)—merely because they never heard the name of Jesus. This includes the billions of Asians, Africans, and all who lived before Jesus.

Did Jesus die merely to save comparatively few Christians?—those who would believe in him before his second advent? The Bible tells us: NO! Christ died "the propitiation (satisfaction) for our (the Christians') sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole (presently unbelieving) world." 1 John 2:2

The Father lovingly provided His only-begotten Son to die "for all" while all were still in sin. (John 3:16; Romans 5:8). God's plan will provide all—even non-believers—with a full opportunity to benefit from Jesus' sacrifice. (Hebrews 2:9)

After being raised from the dead, each person will be taught about Christ and righteousness. Past crimes will be punished but with mercy based on repentance. God will pour out His holy influence on all people through Christ, providing an opportunity for each person to reach mental and moral perfection. (Joel 2:28) Only those who consistently refuse to make progress will be destroyed. (Acts 3:22-23; Ezekiel 18:20-22)

CONSIDER the logic of God's Plan to save all men from evil and death: Father Adam, perfect, sinned. The penalty of death passed upon him and the prospective human race yet in his loins. Deliverance from death required the payment of a corresponding price, the death of a perfect man. No member of the sinful (imperfect) human race could pay this price. (Psalm 49:7) Only Jesus, who was "holy, harmless, and separate from sinners" could. (Hebrews 7:26) The perfect man Jesus died for Adam's sin, taking his place in death, thereby redeeming Adam and all his offspring—the human race—from death.

"For Christ also hath once suffered for sins; the just (Jesus) for the unjust (Adam), that he might bring us to God." 1 Peter 3:18
"...by one man (Adam) sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men...Therefore, as by the offence of one (Adam) came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one (Jesus) the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life." Romans 5:12,18

To consider this subject in more detail, read the article titled: THE MAN CHRIST JESUS: A RANSOM FOR ALL @ http://www.biblestudents.com/ransom_00001_1.cfm

Return now to our title, Was Jesus Christ Crucified? We observe that this is a startling question to be posed by a Bible founded Christian group. After all the Apostle Paul plainly stated to the congregation at Corinth that, I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ and him crucified. (1Cor 2:2) So why do we ask this question? We ask this question because there are many who believe that Jesus was not crucified on a cross.

The Jehovah Witnesses claim that Jesus was not crucified but impaled (executed) on a stake. Nowhere in the New World Translation (NWT) of the Christian Greek Scriptures, published continuously since 1950, will you find the physical instrument of our Lord’s death referred to as a cross, nor the action itself as a crucifixion – the term used throughout the Christian world. For example, we read in the NWT (Matthew 10:38); "And whoever does not accept his torture stake and follow after me is not worthy of me."

Neither do The Jehovah Witnesses stand alone in their objection to the cross, they are simply the largest most prominent Christian group to make this case. In point of fact, conscientious protest against the use of the cross, as a symbol for Jesus’ sacrificial death, long predates the founding of The Jehovah Witnesses in 1931. For example, an entire book, The Non-Christian Cross, was published in London in 1896. And neither was that the first expressed objection to the Christian cross.

Howbeit, owning to tenacious door to door preaching on the part of The Jehovah Witnesses, along with years of Herbert W. Armstrong’s, “The World Tomorrow” broadcasts, as well as circulars from certain others, this issue over the cross has come conspicuously before Christians as a challenge in recent decades. Therefore, we believe this matter fairly demands an honest examination.

If you are interested in examining this question in greater detail, we encourage you to read the article entitled: WAS JESUS CHRIST CRUCIFIED? @ http://biblestudents.com/docs/WasJesusCrucified.pdf