Is There Only One God?
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There is only one Almighty God and He has revealed himself as a single entity. The first cause, Jehovah (Yaweh) by name Deut. 6:4,5. Before him there is no other. He is from everlasting to everlasting Ps. 90:2. He will not share his glory with any other. Find out more about this one true Almighty God.
The Bible teaches us that there are other gods. None that are equal to the Almighty God, but these are gods nonetheless. Jesus refers to those that would become the bride of Christ as gods, Moses is said to have been made as a god to pharaoh, and the Adversary is alluded to be the god of this age. Psalms tells us that Jehovah will be worshipped among the gods! These cannot be “false gods” since this would be considered blasphemous. All are true “lesser gods”. We need a correct understanding for the definition of the word “god”..