The Bible is God's Word

Each world religion has its "Holy Scripture" describing their God(s). How do we know which is right? Each of these "Bibles" contain a system of faith by which the believer supposedly establishes a relationship with their God(s).

Bible Credibility

Let us briefly consider what testimony we have for the credibility of the Sacred Writings

The Bible Translated

With so many translations of the Bible becoming available, many people wonder what they should do with their old Bible.

The Test of Science

Science is yet in its infancy, yet the positive scientific knowledge attainted to date, should and does corroborate the Bible testimony.

The Test of Prophecy

Only an omnipotent and omniscient God, the Creator and Architect of man’s destiny, could foretell the events of human history.

Archeology Verifies the Bible

We will use archaeology to prove the Bible is indeed God’s inspired Word.